After Reading Oe's "Prize Stock", one of the very best short stories I have ever read we moved on to poetry. I am analysing similarities and differences using the Formailst strategy. I always wanted to study the classics of poetry, not that I love poetry, I think it to be too subjective for my taste, but I am curious about why people love Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman for example. I chose to analyze "Because I could not Stop for Death" and "I heard a Fly buzz - when I died" both by Emily Dickinson and I wanted to pick a modern poet as well. I selected Linda Pastan with "An Early Afterlife". These three poems talk about death but have very different approach and tone.
She was very strange, I guess. Poeple call her eccentric but she would not conform to the to the rules of society and, as a result, she was always in search of something and exploring the possibilities in her poems. After reading and searching I came to like her poetry and peek inside her world. Very interesting.
This semester my Comp II teacher asked us to read this book of short stories from Japanese authors. I first thought it was interesting, then naive now that she is adding more background to everything, AMAZING!
I am so appreciative of Fumiko Enchi for exposing herself and her mind to us the way she did. Truly a contemporary female author. I just finish reading "The Flower-Eating Crone"
"In my disappointment, I put the plant, now just a clump of jagged green leaves, out of sight on my balcony,and for the following year I hardly gave it a thought. But the next fall I noticed tiny, jewel-like buds forming on its leaf tips, and soon they swelled into flower all over the plant, their heavy splashes of pink and crimson petals weighing down the leaves in voluptuous profusion."
From "The Flower-Eating Crone" by Fumiko Enchi (1905-86), translated by Lucy North in "Japanese Short Stories" (Oxford University Press)
The spiked, segmented leaves of this cactus, which reach outward like claws, give this plant its popular Japanese name of kani-ba-saboten or shako-ba-saboten (meaning crab- or crayfish-leafed cactus). But to many Westerners, these exotic cacti are associated with Christmas because they bloom during the festive season. In the wild state, six species of Schlumbergera cacti grow in dry areas of southeastern Brazil, which explains why our pot-plant hybrids like well-drained soil and frost-free conditions. In Tokyo, they can usually live outside, but they are sensitive creatures, and if moved indoors at the wrong moment, as in the above story, they will drop all their promising buds.
I live in Lowell. We moved here not too long ago. We are still getting used to the area. Today I decided go on a hunt for a different playground in the nearby towns. I got the address for one that I couldn't find... it looks like a new neighborhood was created on the place where the playground used to be. Good I had the address for another one near the nonexistent one . We drove to the second one. Difficult to find behind a hardware store but a really nice place for the kids. Again, we parked in front to what seemed to be the gate for the playground but it was a "fake" gate because it was locked. Other people did the same and followed me after I asked a parent inside the playground for the entrance. We had to go in the car again and drive around the baseball field to get to the "real" gate. Kind of stupid but we finally found it. Andrew and Theo loved it. They have a big sandbox with toys and all kinds of different structures for climbing. It is very hot today and still we found a few shady spots to seat and have lunch inside the playground. We found a great new spot to have fun!
Well, finally done with my summer classes. I am still waiting to check my grades though. Hubby gets really upset about small colleges and I did had some "trouble" with the system but overall, I am really happy with it. So nothing to complain for now... let's wait for the grades and maybe I will change my mind ! LOL
Apparently, Paris Hilton's new beer commercial is too racy for the Brazilian government and they'd like to have it pulled from the air. And while I'm typically all for movements to have Paris Hilton removed from television, I find myself conflicted on this issue. Maybe because beer is involved.
This angers me on so many levels. First, I'm siding with Paris Hilton and I can't tell you how much that aggravates me. Any woman who can't keep her vagina unexposed while exiting a vehicle shouldn't get to ride in one. And what exactly is it that she's showing off? It looks as if someone kicked a Big Mac and left it in the sun for 3 days. She needs to put that thing away before it swallows someone's pet.
Horrifying crotch aside, I'm a little miffed at the Brazilian Secretariat of Women's Affairs. She says the ad for Devassa Beer devalues women, "particularly blonde women." And while I don't disagree that the ad devalues women, most of your ads devalue women, crazy lady. Why draw the line here?
The company couldn't be reached for comment. They were probably too busy giggling and toasting their brilliant decision to make this commercial. Because as history has taught us, nothing brings attention to something less than when you point at it and scream for its banishment. "This commercial devalues women. That's why everyone in the world must watch it. Look at it!"
Way to champion your cause, crazy lady.
Here's the commercial and I'm not sure what the big deal is. I've seen Brazilian baby food commercials hotter than this. It's a little racy, sure, but it's got Paris Hilton in it. What do you expect? Just to be safe, you may want to hide your pet.
Would I want to show this at a children's birthday party? Obviously not. But I see nothing worse than a Go Daddy commercial and plenty of kids saw one of those during the Super Bowl. Then again, this is Brazil we're talking about. We know how conservative they can be when it comes to sexuality.
Here's their argument: Brazil has a little rule that says beer commercials can't portray women as overtly sensual objects. Oh. I get it. But… why beer? You're saying it's okay to use a woman as an overtly sensual object to sell everything other than beer? I'm pretty sure that's insane. One more question: Then what the hell is this?
Ummm… remember that thing you said about using woman in an overtly sensual way to sell beer? And that thing you said about "particularly blonde women," much like the one humping that guy's leg in this last beer commercial?
You just don't like our favorite ho. Admit it. Why grandstand on principle and your pseudo-devaluing of women platform? And worse, put me in a position where I feel inclined to defend Paris Hilton? Damn you, Brazil. Damn you. This will not stand.
If I'm right, and you are just trying to damage the career and good name of our most beloved amateur porn star for nothing more than your own personal feelings, then I'm sorry to have bothered you.